Thursday, January 22, 2009

Finding The Right Acne Treatment


Acne is a skin problem that most often begins at the time an  individual hits adolescence.

However the problem can also strike in midlife.  Whenever it starts, it's hard to overestimate the importance of finding good acne treatment.

Skin care is adjusted depending on the severity of the situation and the underlying cause.

In general acne starts when skin glands overproduce sebum (the compound that makes oily skin oily).  That gives a person too much oil on the skin which will then catches more surface dirt.

The dirt and debris which accumulates in the pores will block these and causes in inflammation.  That's what causes acne.

What Leads To Acne?

Genetic structure to some extent defines whether a person is predisposed to acne or not.

Someone with whose family members struggle with with acne are more prone to acne than someone without that family history.

The hormonal swings of puberty and menstruation are also factors that contribute to acne.

Bacteria afflict many individuals.

What you eat absolutely affects skin health as well.

Of course, what you do for your skin and which skin care products you use makes a tremendous difference.

Once problems begin, the correct care will change depending on what started the acne in the first place.

If you want more information on the causes of acne, you go to: The Causes of Acne and Pimples.

Pimples, Acne And Scars

Unfortunately, some people will suffer from permanent scars as a result of persistant problems with.

A major goal of acne treatment is to reduce the possibility of scars and marks that can mar the skin in the future. Since most acne problems are time-limited for most people, proper acne treatment prevents scaring.

Acne care may include prescription medications or surface solutions that will eliminate the irritation of the skin.

The bacteria that are often behind ongoing skin problems can also be eliminated with antibiotics and other treatments that can kill them.

Taking good care of your skin is another important aspect of treatment and is an absolute must for any acne care plan.  For minor problems, that alone may clear things up.

A very effective acne treatment for mild to moderate outbreaks of acne is the use of topical benzoyl peroxide.

This surface treatment is often combined with the use of various types of antibacterial compounds.

More severe cases may need treatment with antibiotics. Of course these require a doctor's prescription and aren't right for everyone.

As they make a point of saying at Best Acne Answers.all of these should be accompanied by  right skin cleansing.

Good acne treatment builds self confidence and self esteem.  Getting rid of acne makes anyone more comfortable in social situations.  Individuals who suffer from severe and recurring skin flare ups are often understandably self conscious about their appearance.

Early acne treatment and, even better, acne prevention reduce the possibility of someone becoming meek and shy and avoiding social situations.  It also prevents the chance of permanent scars.

I've found a great site with reliable information on all aspects of acne and it's treatment. Be sure to check out Best Acne Answers.

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