Friday, November 21, 2008

DIY Acne Treatments - 4 Things you can do to fight breakouts

It makes no difference how old you are, if you suffer from acne it's not easy. How ever there are some things you can do on your own to help prevent acne breakouts, and deal with any breakouts you might have now.

In this article I'm going to give you 4 DIY acne treatments you can do on your own to help fight breakouts that won't break the bank or require you to have prescription medications.

Eating the Right Diet

The majority of us know that what we put in our bodies affects how we look and how our acne reacts.Ensuring that you're monitoring the foods that are high in sugar and fat is important.I'm not suggesting that you have to cut out all foods with high fat or sugar how ever you must keep note and eat them in moderation.

Good Daily Face Washing

We should all be washing our faces well daily, how ever if you fight acne breakouts it's worth while using a good quality facial cleanser designed to battle acne and acne bacteria on your skin.

There are a bunch of great acne cleansers you can read about on our acne treatment reviews website, the one I'd suggest you take a look at is easy on your skin and doesn't irritate. Read about that particular cleanser in this Murad Acne Complex review.

Don't touch your face

It's not something we think about, touching our faces that is, how ever many people are always touching their face and this is a prime way we spread acne around. Try to not touch your face often, especially picking at new formed pimples, this will only make things worse.

Getting a Facial

I doubt all the men will want to start going for facials, but women love them already.Getting a facial is for more then just your complexion and relaxation. They can actually exfoliate your face and cleanse it of oils that can clog pores.They also help get rid of dead skin cells.They are simply a fantastic DIY acne treatment.

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