Monday, January 12, 2009

Best Acne Scar Treatment Options

If you have had cyctic acne or severe acne blemishes, you probably have some scars as a result.There are many treatments for acne scarring that can help you address the problem.It's best to consult with a dermatologist or experienced physician to identify your best treatment option.

This treatment is usually done in a series, over a period of weeks to produce the best results.  Micro fine abrasive particles of aluminum oxide are used to smooth the surface layers of skin.  Think of it as a strong exfoliation treatment that removes the top layer of skin.This improves mild scars and discoloration, but may not offer much improvement for deep scars.Keep in mind that if you have darker skin or suffer from hyper pigmentation, this may leave you with some patchy discoloration, so talk to your doctor to be sure you understand any risks and side effects.

This treatment is better used for treating discoloration than for deep scarring, but it can restore a smoother complexion, and has very little side effects.  Intense pulsed light (IPL) is used to treat individual lesions and discolored marks

Collagen Injections and Autologous Fat Transfer
Collagen injections can plump out and fill in the surface of scars to make them smoother.Fat is often transplanted from one part of the body, then injected into the scar tissue.  Each of these treatment options is temporary, lasting from a few months to a year

Acne Laser Treatment
The right laser treatment will depend on your type of skin and the severity of scarring.Over the past several years, there have been many improvements in laser technology for skin care. This typically provides great results for most acne scars, with the exception of the deepest ones.

Surgery for Acne
Acne surgery can help with the very deep scars that otherwise don't respond as well to other treatment options.  The scar can be removed in a "punch" technique, where the skin around the scar is punched out and then sutured back together so it can heal cleanly and smoothly.Subcision is another common scar treatment.  A needle is inserted under the scar and the fibrous bands of scar tissue are cut and released.The skin surface generally appears more smooth in appearance following the healing process.

There may not be a perfect solution for acne scar treatment, and results will vary for each person, as everyone's skin is unique.There are many improvements in acne scar treatment in recent years.You'll be able to get rid of your acne scars once you seek treatment from an experienced dermatologist.  Click here to learn more about the best acne scar treatment.

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