Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Right Kind Of Skin Care For Cystic Acne

Cystic acne is the most severe type of acne a person can get. It can devastate ones self esteem and ruin their social life. It is very deep, red, and it can leave long lasting scars. As horrible as these things are it can be overcome with the right treatments and remedies. Were going to take a look at some of the common treatments and some ways to deal with it naturally.

Skin Care

The first thing you will need is a good acne skin care regimen. This should become part of your daily routine. I don't recommend that you use most products out there for your acne skin care. Allot of the products on the market have chemical in them that will do your body no good at all. You should stay with products that feature more natural ingredients and few chemicals. You will most likely have to test a few different products.

Eating The Right Foods

You should stop eating any foods that are loaded with sugar. These foods often clog up your body from being able to remove waste the way that it is meant too. Dairy foods is another problem for many people. Calcium is good for you, but dairy doesn't get along well with most people. Another ingredient you should avoid is caffeine. Something else that should be avoided is greasy foods and fried foods.

With all this being said, there are still many tasty foods you can eat. Many of the best foods are fruits and vegetables. You would be surprised what you can do with just those if you get creative. For meat you really can't beat fish. It is by far and away the best meat you can eat. Of course you be careful of pollution in the fish.

Natural Remedies

If you want a few things that you can try to get quick results then you should enjoy this remedies. Do keep in mind that these are not really long lasting remedies. They will help get rid of some your acne, but they won't stop it from coming back.

The first remedy to try is green tea bags. Simply wet them and then rub the on the infected areas. Green tea is also a good drink for anyone who has acne. Green tea is an excellent antioxidant for the skin and your body.

A raw potato is a popular remedy for treating acne white heads. The start can work at drying up those nasty pimples. Cut them into slices and place them on any of the infected areas. You may want to rub the potato over your face.

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